Our policy, particularly for children, is to prevent problems such as tooth decay before they happen. To help achieve this, we are fully invested in the Childsmile programme, with 6 nurses trained as Childsmile nurses.
Where a preventative approach has not been successful, we offer a variety of interventions to restore baby teeth in order that they last until they are they are lost naturally. Every child is different, and parents also differ on what they feel is the best approach for their own children. Our dentists and nurses are aware of this and tailor their approach and treatment planning to take this into account.

As we believe strongly in the importance of prevention, we recommend that you bring your children along as early as possible. This will reassure your child that visiting the dentist is not an unpleasant experience and make any future treatment easier to cope with. Your dental team will give you preventative advice regarding sugary foods and drinks, hidden sugars and healthier snacks and drinks. They will give you and your child advice on toothbrushing and keeping your child’s mouth clean and healthy. It is also important to introduce them to regular check-up visits so that these become routine.

Dentist with Child Patient

We have a dedicated Childsmile programme where the whole family can learn about dental heath from a qualified Childsmile advisor. Any advice given can be followed by all ages e.g. checking lists of ingredients for hidden sugars, only eating sugary/acidic food /drinks at mealtimes and having savoury snacks, where possible.

Our preventive treatments include fissure sealants and fluoride varnishes, which may be carried out by the dental hygienist/ therapist, and also orthodontic screening and assessing your child’s likelihood of getting dental decay in the future.

We aim to make your child’s experience as enjoyable as possible. If they require treatment, and are nervous, you can discuss this with your dental team and they can advise of possible use of anaesthetics or sedation, if these are necessary. If YOU feel nervous about your child’s visit, it is very important that you do not let them pick up on this and it is usually best to allow the dental team to explain any treatment that is needed. Try not to talk about your fears in front of your child and this will help make your child’s experience stress-free.


Childsmile is a preventive initiative with the intention of improving oral health from birth. Parents of newborn children who are assessed to be at risk of developing tooth decay are referred to the programme by their Health Visitor. Parents attend an appointment with the Childsmile Nurse, where advice is given on how to avoid the development of tooth decay. As well as advice on diet and toothbrushing, parents will also be given free toothbrushes, toothpaste and drinking cups for their children. As children get older, the Dental Practice Team can provide additional preventive care, such as fluoride varnish and fissure sealants. This programme results in children with healthier mouths who are more comfortable visiting the dentist


Why are first teeth important?

First teeth (or milk teeth/baby teeth) are important for a child’s smile, eating, speech and confidence.
It is important to keep teeth healthy to avoid pain, infection and the need to take teeth out under general anesthetic.
It is important to keep teeth until they fall out naturally (the last baby tooth will not normally fall out until the child is about 12 years old).
Early loss of milk teeth can lead to crowding when adult teeth come into the mouth. This may lead to a need for orthodontic treatment in later years.


What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay starts as minor damage to the surface of teeth, but often worsens to the stage of becoming holes in teeth.
In simple terms, decay is caused when bugs on our teeth (in that sticky layer or film called plaque) use the sugars in foods and drinks and turn these into acids which dissolve the surface of the teeth. The more often that we eat or drink sugary things, the more often acid is produced and the more damage is caused to our teeth. The best way to look after teeth is to avoid giving your child anything that has sugar in it to eat or drink between meals.

Toothbrush & Toothpaste – which kind?

Use a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles.
Put a thin smear of standard fluoride toothpaste (1000ppm fluoride) onto a dry brush.Imagine you are painting the toothpaste on!
Eventually encourage spitting out of excess toothpaste but discourage rinsing the mouth with water. This helps the fluoride toothpaste work harder to strengthen the teeth.
Replace the baby’s toothbrush every 3 months or when the bristles start to splay out. Rinse the toothbrush after every use and store in a clean dry area.
Use the baby toothbrush and 1000ppm fluoride toothpaste provided through Childsmile. This toothpaste is suitable for the whole family.